Answered By: Amber Hinds
Last Updated: Nov 01, 2024     Views: 15526

The medical chart on a particular patient provides data specific a patient's key clinical data and medical history, such as demographics, vital signs, diagnoses, medications, treatment plans, progress notes, problems, immunization dates, allergies, radiology images, and laboratory and test results.

To me; citation of such a chart in APA could be considered a technical report; where the client/patient IS the subject of research or subject of the problem being studied by the author (Doctor). As in a technical report; suggestions for treatment, facts and conclusions related to the situation are all present in such a record.


Physician (Year, Month date [Dictation Date]). Exam [italicized]. City: Facility.


Wilson, H. [Henry]. (2014, June 1). Right forearm. Orlando: Florida Radiology Imaging Oviedo.

Wilson, H.[Harriet]. (2014, May 22). Nuclear medicine bone scan. Orange City, FL: Florida Hospital Fish Memorial.

Zaid, A. (2016, April 11). Annual Exam (Record No. 91- 342453). Warrensville Heights: Brentwood Hospital.

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