Word uses section breaks to divide your document into separate sections. This is most useful when you need one section to have one type of page numbers different from the rest of the paper (i.e. roman numerals for a Table of Contents section). The instructions below are for Microsoft Word 2010 and newer.
To insert a section break, follow these steps:
- Click where you want to insert the section break.
- On the Layout tab, click on Breaks. Then select Next Page under Section Breaks. This will insert the section break with any text following the break beginning on a new page.
To add a header/footer/page numbers for a section break that is different from the previous section, follow these steps:
- Click on the page will the header/footer/page number will be added.
- On the Design tab (under Header and Footer Tools), click Link to Previous to deselect the button. This will disconnect this section from the previous one.
- Now you can add and format your header/footer/page number for the new section.
For additional help, please see the links below.