Answered By: Amber Hinds
Last Updated: Nov 01, 2024     Views: 101654

If you are citing a web page with information about the Declaration or Constitution (even if it also has the document on it), you should use the Web page citation type.

If you are citing the Declaration or Constitution itself, do not cite it in the works cited list. Both the Declaration and the Constitution are considered well-known documents that are only cited in a parenthetical reference.

In your text, do not underline or use quotation marks for the words Declaration of Independence or Constitution of the United States, just use a parenthetical reference, as below the Declaration of Independence (US 1776).

...In the Constitution of the United States, Article II refers to the "...." (sec.1, cl.3) the U.S. Constitution (art. 2, sec. 1, cl.3.).

...slavery was finally abolished in December 1865 (US Const., amend. XIII).

Comments (2)

  1. What if the declaration is lesser known, such as the Declaration of Helsinki? (a declaration about the ethics of human research) Surely there must be some way to integrate it into the Works Cited page, right?
    by Oneilmw on Apr 06, 2017
  2. @Oneilmw - if you are a Walsh student, please feel free to email the Library with the link to this document and we can help you format your citation. Most likely you would want to cite it as a government document. These can be tricky regardless of citation style. But without the document in front of me, I do not want to speculate.
    by Katie Hutchison on Apr 17, 2017

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