Government Publication (Print)
Name of Government -or- Author(s). |
Name of Agency -or- Author(s). |
Title of Publication. |
Place of Publication: |
Publisher, |
Year. |
Medium of Publication. |
Brainard, Blair. U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Incognito but Honest.
Washington: GPO, 2008. Print.
United Nations. Dept. of Political Affairs. Report on Democratic Political Elections.
New York: United Nations, 1999. Print.
Government Publication (Online)
Name of Government -or- Author(s). |
Name of Agency -or- Author(s). |
Title of Publication. |
Place of Publication: |
Publisher, |
Date. |
Medium of Publication. |
Date of Access. |
Brainard, Blair. U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Taking One for the Team: Sniper
Theories Related to Office Location. Washington: GPO, 2008. Web. 22 Apr. 2009.
United Nations. Dept. of Political Affairs. Report on Democratic Political Elections.
New York: United Nations, 1999. Web. 6 Dec. 2008.